

St. Luke’s Mar Thoma Church choir elevates church services and assists the congregation in worshiping the LORD in spirit and in truth, through its singing. We have both english and malayalam choirs. In addition to aiding the congregation in worship services, the choir also plays an important part in passion week services, parish conventions, wedding services, funeral services and the christmas carol services. The choirs rehearse on a weekly basis for the worship services and other services.

Choir Representative: Mr. Saramma Varughese

Sunday School

The Marthoma Sunday School Samajam was founded in 1905. The Sunday School Samajam grew as one of the leading Christian Education Organizations in India. The credit goes to the extraordinary organizing ability of Rev. V P Mammen and his untiring efforts for 47 years. The primary objective of the Sunday School is to lead children to dedicate their lives to God so that they become better role models in society tomorrow and live a better christian life as adults. St. Luke’s Mar Thoma holds classes from nursery to grade 12, every week from 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM. All children assemble together, the first half hour for Praise and Worship followed by classes for an hour.

Sunday School Representative: Mrs. Pearl Abraham

Youth Fellowship

A wonderful oppurtunity for youth in North America to get themselves closer to God. Youth Fellowship includes youths from age 13 and up. Youth Fellowship meeting are hosted every Friday. Various activities includes Whole night prayer, spring & fall Conference, high school and college seminars, mentoring, counseling, games and sports etc.

Youth Representative: Mr. Justin Koshy

Edavaka Mission

The spiritual renewal in the Church, which was the offspring of reformation has created a yearning in believers to present the Gospel to others. It was realized that this could not be fully achieved by the services of a few full time evangelists. On the other hand every member of the Church should be a missionary filled with such joy and assurance of salvation as to be Christ’s witness to those who come into contact with him, irrespective of one’s profession in secular life.

Believers interested in evangelistic and intercessory activities used to assemble periodically for prayer and fellowship. It was in the annual meeting of such a gathering in 1924, the present Mar Thoma Voluntary Evangelists’ Association got formed. Bishop Abraham Mar Thoma was the ardent supporter of this movement.

The object of this association is that every member of the Church should be a witness to Jesus Christ, whatever his occupation may be. Those who volunteer to be members of the Association meet together in each parish at least once a week for fellowship, intercessory prayer, Bible study and sharing experiences.

The branch of the Mar Thoma Voluntary Evangelists Association in the Parish is called “Edavaka Mission”.

Edavaka Mission Representative: Mr. Dani Abraham

Sevika Sangham

The women in the Mar Thoma church also shared the spiritual power generated by the Reformation. TheMar Thoma Suvisesha Sevika Sangham, the women’s wing, was inaugurated during the Maramon Convention in the year 1919, under the leadership of Abraham Mar Thoma Suffragan Metropolitan., who gave the Sangham continued support and inspiration.

The motto of the Marthoma Sevika Sangham is ‘Service and Evangelism in the life and mission of the Marthoma Church’. Every women of the Mar Thoma Church above the age of 18 years is a member of the Sevika Sangham. The Sevika Sangham has branches in all parishes of the Marthoma Church both in India and abroad.

St. Luke’s Mar Thoma Church is blessed with a very active and dedicated Sevika Sangham.

Sevika Sanghom Representative: Mrs. Kunjamma Koshy

Young Family Fellowship

The Young Families Fellowship (YFF) of St. Luke’s Mar Thoma Church was started in 2011.

Young family fellowship consists of all the young families in the parish and met on 3rd Friday of every month in church at 7PM. The meetings generally centered on bible studies and bible quizzes and conclude with a potluck to enrich fellowship. To foster family atmosphere, kids were also brought to attend the meetings and were given participation on performing their talents.

Young Family Fellowship: Mrs. Annie Thomas